Hey guys,
We have a 4.1 farm, a 5.0 farm, and a 5.1 farm. We are currently running Update manager on the vCenter server for the 5.0 farm. We just built a new 5.1 farm and I noticed that the update manager on the 5.0 farm does not show any 5.1 patches. I need to make sure to not cause any issues on the 4.1 and 5.0 farms, but I was thinking the best method to get everything sorted would be to upgrade Update Manager on the 5.0 farm to 5.1. Then point the servers in the 5.1 farm back to the Update Manager in the 5.0 farm. Is there any know issues with doing this? I do not want to accidently start updating hosts in the other farms,etc. but I think I would have to Upload an ESXi image and remediate before anything bad would happen. Are there any other settings I should check to make sure upgrading the Update Manager 5.0->5.1 will not cause any issues? I know I should make a database backup as well.