since i updated to vCenter 7.0.1 i can't "Sync Updates", just before the update, the sync was success, i got the infos to update the hosts to 7.0.1, but now:
Download patch definitions task failed while syncing depots. Error: 'integrity.fault.HostPatchInvalidVendorCode'.
I found this KB: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/78688 "Import offline bundle or sync operations may fail in vSphere Lifecycle Manager (78688)"
But when executing the script i get:
ERROR: update or delete on table "pm_depot_components" violates foreign key constraint "pm_depot_addons_components_component_name_fkey" on table "pm_depot_addons_components"
DETAIL: Key (name, version)=(smxProvider, 700. is still referenced from table "pm_depot_addons_components".
And the problem is still there...
Wat can i do else?
Kind regards