Hello everybody,
I have recently migrated our infrastructure from ESX, vCenter, vSphere 5.1 to 5.5.0c
I also have uninstalled and installed the "vSphere Update Manager" with the version 5.5.0c
When I go in the Plug-in section of the "vCenter - vSphere client" I only have a plugin in version and I am unable to install (or activate) a version 5.5.
I firstly tried to disable the plugin (right-click in the above window) and "Re-register to vCenter Server" from the VMwareUpdateManagerUtility.exe found on the "vSphere Update Manager server". ==> No success
I looked at the webpage http://IP_OF_MY_VCENTER/mob/?moid=ExtensionManager to try to find the VUM plugin. Unfortunately, I was unable to determine the name of the plugin in the following screen ==> No success
I then tried the followings from the "vSphere Update Manager server":
- launch the following command line from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\Update Manager\ to try to update the plugin: vciinstallutils.exe -v IP_OF_MY_VCENTER_SERVER -p 80 - U root -P ROOT_PASSWORD -S extension.xml -C . -L . extupdate ==> No success
- I also try the same command line but with other parameters like extdelete (to remove the extension) and extadd (to install the plugin) ==> No success
Does someone has an idea that could enable me to install/register/activate the new version of the VUM plugin ?
Last important point: the actually installed plugin v5.1.0.13071 is functionnal. So....is there a problem in the version number displayed ?
Thanks in advance