From my Googling there seems to be multiple causes for this error during Update Manager install, but none of the ones I've found seem to apply to my situation. I'm trying to install UM 5.5 u2 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard thats been fully patched, with a remote SQL Server 2012 SP1 server (another instance on same server is SP2 but I dont think that matters) using a 32bit DSN. I've seen the issue about 32+ character passwords causing this, and that's certainly not my case. Though I have tried simpifying it since nothing else has worked. I'm using a SQL server user & SQL authentication (though my vCenter server uses Windows authentication with its DB), I've even given that user full admin privs in SQL server & to the msdb & UM databases explicitly. I'm currently using this in evaluation mode as I'm evaluating vSphere and this isn't leaving a good impression so far. I havn't tried using the included SQL express as I've got a real SQL server thats maintained so I shouldn't need to. Is there something else I'm missing?