I'm looking for an official statement/documentation about support for SQL Express for the UMDS in vSphere 5.5.
According to the Update Manager documentation a maximum of 5 hosts and 50 VM's is supported with the SQL Express edition. Although I think that from a technical point of view, this limitation is a relict from older versions, and should be reviewed, I can live with it. However, I rather don't want to purchase another SQL Server license just for the Update Manager Service (UMDS) - which runs in a DMZ - if this isn't really required. The documentation only says "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express instance (for small scale deployments)". However, I don't actually understand why/how the size of the environment is related to UMDS, and it seems like overkill to me to have a full blown SQL database to just maintain a list of patches.
I have to plan and setup a fully supported environment, so it's important to have official statements/documentation.