I am trying to use Update Manager to upgrade ESXi 5.1 to ESXi5.5. I am getting the error "Cannot create a ramdisk of the size 333mb to store the upgrade image."
The ESXi has plenty of disk/ram left.
I have researched and found an issue where the scratchconfig was pointing at a non-existent device. I set the scratchconfig and rebooted.
After the reboot in the new folder I did see the various var,core,logs etc folders, however I still get this Cannot create ramdisk error when trying to upgrade.
I tried from various articles /vmfs/volumes/datastore uuid/.locker-host and /vmfs/volumes/datastore uuid/scratch, both with the same result.
I confirmed I can write in these new folders.
Everytime the log still says ERROR', test 'SPACE_AVAIL_ISO', expected '349773754', found '0' despite the scracthconfig.
What I am doing wrong?