I have the UMDS running on one server. WIn 2008 R2
This is consigured to download ESXi 5 and Appliance updates.
This exports the updates to a directory which is shared via HTTP (IIS 7)
VUM is installed on the vCenter Host and can communicate to the UMDS server via HTTP on port 8080.
When downloading the Updates I get the errors:
- Could Not download virtual appliance upgrade metadata for http://ip.address:8080/vaupgrade/__valm-consolidated-index__.xml
- Could not download virtual appliance upgrade metadata
I can however use IE to access the .xml file on the link above without issue.
The log shows some errors that I think are expected:
Error retrieving document ''. Status code: 404
[2012-05-22 14:06:02:373 'httpDownload' 6100 WARN] [httpDownload, 420] Download http://ip.address/umds.lck failed: Error retrieving document 'http://ip.address/umds.lck'. Status code: 404
[2012-05-22 14:06:02:373 'httpDownload' 6100 ERROR] [httpDownload, 435] Reached retry download limit
[2012-05-22 14:06:02:373 'UMDSHelper' 6100 INFO] [UMDSHelper, 140] No lock file present. Continue importing data.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance