Just updated a vCenter Server from 5.0.0 Build 455964 to 5.0.0 Build 804277 and am trying to update Update Manager as well (current Update Manager version is and trying to update to At some point in the installation it hits a point and rolls back stating it was interrupted.
Windows Event Viewer shows this:
Log Name: System
I found this KB article: The Vstor2 UFA Virtual Storage Driver service fails to start, but it applies to vCenter Converter 4.x and there are also none of these keys on this vCenter server.
There is also this: Uninstalling VMware Consolidated Backup from a server that is also a vCenter Server fails with the error: The Vstor2 Virtual Storage Driver service failed to start, which doesn't say it applies to vCenter. There is a Vstor2 Update Manager Virtual Storage Driver in 'Non-Plug and Play Drivers', but I'm not sure if I should try uininstalling that.
VMware Update Manager logs:
[05844 info 'Ufa'] Plugin stopped
[05844 info 'Default'] [plugin,135] UfaClientPlugin WaitStop
[05844 info 'Default'] [plugin,169] UfaSlavePlugin WaitStop
[13600 info 'Default'] [serviceWin32,298] VMware vSphere Update Manager UFA Service service stopped